Custom Neon Signs: The Perfect Addition to Your Living Room Décor for a Stylish and Modern Look


Neon signs have been around for over a century, and they are still a popular choice for home decor. Custom neon signs are a great way to add a stylish and modern touch to your living room, and they can be customized to fit your personal style and taste. In this article, I will discuss the benefits of using custom neon signs for home decor, the types of custom neon signs available, design tips for creating a stylish and modern look with custom neon signs, how to choose the right size and placement for your custom neon sign in your living room, DIY vs professional installation of custom neon signs, maintenance and care of custom neon signs, and customer reviews and examples of custom neon signs in living room decor.

Introduction to Custom Neon Signs

Custom neon signs are handcrafted signs made of glass tubes filled with neon gas that are bent into various shapes and designs. They are a popular choice for businesses, but they are also becoming increasingly popular for home decor. Custom neon signs can be customized to fit your personal style and taste, and they are a great way to add a pop of color and personality to your living room.

Benefits of Using Custom Neon Signs for Home Decor

There are many benefits to using custom neon signs for home decor. First and foremost, they are a great way to add a stylish and modern touch to your living room. Custom neon signs can be customized to fit your personal style and taste, and they come in a variety of colors, shapes, and designs. They are also energy efficient and long-lasting, so you won’t have to worry about replacing them anytime soon.

Another benefit of using custom neon signs for home decor is that they are very versatile. They can be used to create a variety of moods and atmospheres, from a romantic and intimate setting to a fun and playful one. Custom neon signs can also be used to highlight a specific area of your living room, such as a bookshelf or a piece of art.

Types of Custom Neon Signs Available

There are many types of custom neon signs available, each with its own unique style and design. Some popular types of custom neon signs include:

  • Custom text signs: These signs feature your choice of text, font, and color.
  • Custom logo signs: These signs feature your company logo or other custom design.
  • Custom shape signs: These signs are shaped like objects or animals, such as hearts or flamingos.
  • Custom art signs: These signs feature custom artwork or designs.

Design Tips for Creating a Stylish and Modern Look with Custom Neon Signs

When it comes to designing your living room with custom neon signs, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, consider the overall style and color scheme of your living room. Custom neon signs can either complement or contrast with your existing decor, depending on your preference.

Another design tip is to choose a focal point for your custom neon sign. This could be a specific area of your living room, such as a fireplace or a piece of art, or it could be the sign itself. A custom neon sign can be a great conversation starter and a statement piece in your living room.

Finally, consider the placement and size of your custom neon sign. You want to make sure that it is visible and easy to read, but you also don’t want it to overpower the rest of your living room decor. A good rule of thumb is to choose a sign that is no more than 50% the length of the wall it will be placed on.

Read this website if you’re looking for more inspiration on how to use LED signs in home décor.

How to Choose the Right Size and Placement for Your Custom Neon Sign in Your Living Room

Choosing the right size and placement for your custom neon sign in your living room can be tricky. You want to make sure that it is visible and easy to read, but you also don’t want it to overpower the rest of your living room decor. A good rule of thumb is to choose a sign that is no more than 50% the length of the wall it will be placed on.

When it comes to placement, consider the overall layout of your living room. You want to make sure that your custom neon sign is visible from all angles, but you also want to make sure that it doesn’t obstruct any important furniture or decor. A good placement for a custom neon sign is above a piece of furniture, such as a couch or a bookshelf.

DIY vs Professional Installation of Custom Neon Signs

When it comes to installation, you have two options: DIY or professional installation. DIY installation can be cheaper, but it can also be more time-consuming and potentially dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. Professional installation, on the other hand, can be more expensive, but it is also faster and safer.

If you decide to go the DIY route, make sure that you have all the necessary tools and equipment, and that you follow all safety precautions. If you decide to hire a professional, make sure that they are licensed and insured, and that they have experience installing custom neon signs.

If customization is a bit too pricey for your budget, then you can always consider ready-made signs.

Maintenance and Care of Custom Neon Signs

To keep your custom neon sign looking its best, it is important to take proper care of it. This includes cleaning it regularly with a soft, dry cloth, and avoiding touching the glass tubes with your bare hands. You should also avoid exposing your custom neon sign to extreme temperatures or humidity, as this can damage the glass tubes and the neon gas inside.

Customer Reviews and Examples of Custom Neon Signs in Living Room Decor

If you’re still not convinced that custom neon signs are the perfect addition to your living room decor, just take a look at some customer reviews and examples. Many customers have reported that their custom neon signs have added a fun and playful touch to their living rooms, and that they are a great conversation starter. Some popular examples of custom neon signs in living room decor include quotes, logos, and custom shapes.


Custom neon signs are a great way to add a stylish and modern touch to your living room decor. They are versatile, energy-efficient, and long-lasting, and they can be customized to fit your personal style and taste. When it comes to designing and installing your custom neon sign, make sure that you follow proper safety precautions and consider the overall layout and style of your living room. With the right care and maintenance, your custom neon sign will be a statement piece in your living room for years to come.

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